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Laser Lipolysis

Laser lipolysis is a body-contouring procedure that uses heat from laser devices to destroy fat cells.

Laser lipolysis (or laser lipo, for short) is a body-sculpting treatment that uses heat from light-based technology to melt fat cells. With non-invasive laser lipo, an applicator is secured to your body to heat the fat beneath your skin. Minimally invasive laser lipo is a surgical procedure involving local anaesthetic and incisions. Non-invasive laser lipo produces its best results after 12 weeks, while minimally invasive treatment can take up to three months. If you have a non-invasive procedure, you should start to see results as early as six weeks after treatment, with the best results at around 12 weeks. Minimally invasive laser lipo tends to produce a noticeable improvement between one and three months, with best results after six months.


30 - 45mins


Topical Numbing cream


12 weeks



Pre Care

+ The area to be treated must be clean-shaven. Unshaven clients will be rescheduled.

+ Avoid UV exposure 7 days prior to your treatment.


+ Clients who are sunburned or tanned must wait 2 weeks before being treated to avoid additional skin damage.

Post Care

+ Avoid extended UV exposure for 7 days post-treatment.

+ If blisters occur, do not puncture. If skin is broken, apply an antibiotic ointment until healed.


+ Avoid any additional laser treatments or chemical procedures on the treated area for at least 2 weeks post-treatment or until healing has occurred.


How many sessions will I need?

A course of up to 8 treatments is required and often scheduled every 4-8 weeks to allow for the area to heal. 

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