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Microneedling also called collagen induction therapy is an amazing, advanced procedure

he concept of collagen induction therapy is based on the skin’s natural ability to repair itself whenever it encounters physical damage such as cuts, burns or other abrasions. Skin-needling creates micro-injuries to the skin, which trigger new collagen synthesis, yet does not pose the risk of permanent scarring. The result is smoother firmer and younger looking skin. Microneedling can also treat acne scaring, pigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles and large pores. Results can be quite spectacular. Your skin will continue to improve over the months that follow, as collagen will be constantly renewed!


30 - 45mins


Topical Numbing cream





Pre Care

Avoid booking any other treatments during an active breakout.

+ Please attend your appointments make up free. 


+ Avoid drinking Alcohol 48 Hours before your treatment.


+ Drink lots of water.

Post Care

+ Avoid over exfoliating the face for 1 week post treatment.

+ Avoid make up 48 hours post treatment.

+ Avoid fake tan and sun beds 5 -7 days post treatment.

+ Avoid over exfoliating or using harsh products on the skin for 1 week post treatment. 


Will my skin be red after the treatment ?

Yes please expect a sunburn like redness. Each client differs on how there skin reacts after treatment, some may appear redder than others if the client has sensitive skin. Redness can last up to 3 days post treatment but usually subsides within 24 hours.

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