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Fat Dissolving Injections

A fat removal therapy which reduces stubborn fat deposits in those difficult areas such as the stomach, outer and inner thighs, and even the chin area.

Aqualyx fat dissolving injections acts as a fat dissolving treatment that targets fat removal from certain areas. It’s main use is to tackle excess fat in stubborn areas can be an issue for many men and women, despite a good health style such as exercise and a good diet. An alternative to more extreme treatments such as liposuction which can target fatty areas that just don’t want to budge. It works by sticking to fatty deposits, breaking them down over a period of time. The fat is then naturally dissolved and flushed out by the body.


60 - 90mins


Numbing Injections


8 - 10 Weeks



Pre Care

+ The area to be treated must be clean-shaven. Unshaven clients will be rescheduled.

+ Avoid UV exposure 7 days prior to your treatment.


+ Clients who are sunburned or tanned must wait 2 weeks before being treated to avoid additional skin damage.

Post Care

+ Avoid extended UV exposure for 7 days post-treatment.

+ If blisters occur, do not puncture. If skin is broken, apply an antibiotic ointment until healed.


+ Avoid any additional laser treatments or chemical procedures on the treated area for at least 2 weeks post-treatment or until healing has occurred.


How many sessions will I need?

A course of up to 8 treatments is required and often scheduled every 4-8 weeks to allow for the area to heal. 

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